O’My Lanta, Atlanta Was Amazing

Many of you friends were praying for our time in Atlanta so I wanted to write a blog post and update you on how it went. This is a bit longer for a blog but that’s because a lot happened during our week there. Why we went: We went to Atlanta (April 4th-13th) primarily for... Continue Reading →

My Favorite Part of Support Raising

There are many Christians who believe that God is leading them to be missionaries but then never follow through on it because it means they would have to raise all of their own financial support. It’s intimidating for them. I totally get it because it’s intimidating for Hannah and me too. As Cadence International missionaries,... Continue Reading →

The Importance of Hospitality

As you probably already know, we live in a world that is more connected than ever and yet many people feel more isolated than ever. Why is this? People have Facebook, twitter, and Instagram to stalk... err... I mean, keep in touch with all of their friends and yet STILL feel alone. 100,000 friends and... Continue Reading →

What is Biblical Hospitality?

“Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality (Romans 12:13, ESV).”  I’ll be honest, I don’t like the stock-image I used for this post. Why? Because it gives the impression that hospitality or showing hospitality has to look a certain way — fancy. The picture makes it look like hospitality takes... Continue Reading →

Hannah’s Cadence Story

Right up front I need to break the ice, I had zero idea what Cadence International was before I was being ministered to by their missionaries. Even then I would have told you it was just a “home away from home,” I was completely unaware of who my friends were employed by. It is more... Continue Reading →

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